The marketing process never ends, at any time you may come up with a good idea that you can save in as a template at no extra cost. Also, if there's a message you know makes sense to send multiple times, or will serve as a basic starting off point for multiple messages, save that as a template for the future. Never let a message or idea go wasted when you don't have to. Save it as a template, and put it into a message later on. Save yourself time, and keep revenue growing ideas.
Create a Template
Step 1:
Go to the Campaigns tab.
Step 2:
Select the Templates sub tab.
Step 3:
Click on the Create New Template button.
Step 4:
Name your template.
Step 5:
Type out your message and include any link(s), files, or personalization as needed.
Step 6:
Check the Active box.
Step 7:
Save template.ย
Add Template To Your Campaign
Step 1:
Go to the Campaigns tab.
Step 2:
Click on the Create New Campaign button.
Step 3:
To the right, under the message box, click on the Template.
Step 4:
Click on Choose A Template, then select the template you want.
Click the Ok button.